Remember those paint by number kits we used to have as a kid. They were fun and easy paint projects because it took the guesswork and decision making out of the process. Wouldn’t you love the same effect when it came to tidying and decluttering your home? Are you ready to make quick decisions and clear out the clutter quickly?
I’ve put together this list of 10 different areas of the home in which to declutter 10 items. I’ve even offered suggestions to help you make quick decisions and stay motivated. If you are feeling energized by numbers than set a timer and give yourself 10 minutes per area to purge. Just think, in 100 minutes your could be 100 items lighter. Get those donation and trash bags at the ready, and GO…
10 things from your bathroom
Suggested items: expired make-up and medicine, hair accessories you don’t use, empty toilet rolls and shampoo bottles
10 things from your linen closet or laundry room
Suggested items: threadbare bath towels, old or mis-matched sheet sets
10 things from your bedroom
Suggested items: flat pillows too uncomfortable even for guests, unread books, clutter on your nightstand
10 things from your closet
Suggested items: underwear, socks, tights, and bras that are stretched out or have holes, shoes that are too tight
10 things from your kid’s room
Suggested items: puzzles with missing pieces, stuffed animals no longer loved, books and clothing they’ve outgrown
10 things from your junk drawer
Suggested items: keys with no matching locks, old mobile phones, miscellaneous nails, screws, and bolts, expired/old batteries
10 things from your kitchen
Suggested items: duplicate utensils, chipped dishware, excess coffee mugs
10 things from your car
Suggested items: used food and drink containers; old maps, tickets and receipts
10 things from your computer/devices
Suggested items: apps you don’t use, downloaded files you no longer need, anything on your desktop
10 things from storage
Suggested items: leftover paint you’ll never use again, garden pots you don’t use, old luggage
Looking for more items to declutter? Check out this list of 101 Things to Declutter
What a good idea!!